INBOX (PUSH) - Receive SMS Inbox at an End Point

When you set up an Inbox Push URL, all the messages received on the SIM as an inbox are instantly forwarded to the specified URL. The URL must be valid and return "200 OK" for every query to be valid. The inbox is sent as HTTPS POST JSON data.


Parameter Type Description
from string The sender of the message
message string

The content of the message

server_name string The server name identifier as specified when setting up the server
server_number string The phone number associated with the server
received_time string The time the message was received in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS


   "from":"MTN Topit",
   "content":"Ref: 20200609072407151065803482\nDATE: 2020-06-09 07:24\nAmt: N100.00\nPrev bal: NXXX.00\nBal: NXXX\nTo: 2348000000000",
   "server_name":"MTN Server",
   "received_time":"2020-06-09 07:24:10"



Sample Code to Accept Data

Sample PHP code to retrieve the inbox data

json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
$from $data['from'];
$content $data['content'];
$server_name $data['server_name'];
$server_number $data['server_number'];
$time $data['received_time'];
//Do whatever you want to do with the data


USSD on SIMHosting is a product of HoRLaR I.T. Solutions. It automates data and airtime vending via HTTPS POST/GET requests to the hosted SIM.