Complete USSD Codes for Vending MTN Data Gifting

Complete USSD Codes for Vending MTN Data Gifting

The first ever USSD code on was on December 5, 2019. It was a momentous day! While the technology, the system and the protocol has dramatically changed over time, our resolve to all who have been laboring under the heavy burden of manually vending airtime, data and bills has only gotten stronger - Help online vendors save time and money by automating airtime, bill and data vending to allow them focus on things are most important in their lives.

Sell MTN Data via Automated Data Gifting

Sell MTN Data via Automated Data Gifting

Everyday I remember that call that woke me up on that fateful day. My client turned very good friend softly said over the phone: “Ola, is there any way we can include data gifting on USSD on SIMHosting?* I could feel the pain in his voice. Similar thoughts might have robbed you of sleep many times.


USSD on SIMHosting is a product of HoRLaR I.T. Solutions. It automates data and airtime vending via HTTPS POST/GET requests to the hosted SIM.